
Contactez Volvo Cars New Brunswick

Informations sur le Concessionnaire

Numéros de téléphone:Online Chat Hours:
  • Lun - Dim0 h - 23h59
    (Available for all types of enquiries online, including New and Pre-Owned Vehicles Sales, service and parts enquiries.)
Heures de vente:
  • Lun, Jeu9 h - 20 h
  • Mar - Mer, Ven9 h - 18 h
  • Sam9 h - 14 h
  • DimFermé
Heures de service:
  • Lun - Ven8 h - 17h30
  • Sam - DimFermé

Laissez un Message Ci-Dessous

  • By providing my personal information, I am consenting to it's use and disclosure in accordance with Volvo Canada's Privacy Policy. I confirm that I have read the Privacy Policy. I understand that I may withdraw my consent and unsubscribe from receiving future communications from Volvo Canada, and Volvo Cars New Brunswick, 349 St. Marys Street, (506) 457-4500.

  • Ce champ n'est utilisé qu'à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.
Volvo Cars New Brunswick is located at: 349 St. Marys Street • Fredericton, NB E3A 2S5
Volvo Cars New Brunswick 45.9801315, -66.6345251.